Thursday, January 30, 2020

Devils Highway Discussion Essay Example for Free

Devils Highway Discussion Essay Borders of income separate the walkers and the men who set them up for this journey. The walkers were made hungry for the money they saw that men like Don Moi had, but it really was an unattainable goal. Also, the income gaps between the native Mexicans and American people was different. The Mexican people were much more poor which may cause the American people to look down at them. Another border is skin color. The white Americans often have better lives than the darker skinned Mexicans, which often contributes to the income border. Like the above answer, income borders are very restrictive. Another restrictive border is skin color, perhaps lineage, and where and how we live. The only way to bridge these borders would be to not judge and love people for the way they are. These borders are not need and we would probably be happier without them. I think the villain of the story is not Mendez, but rather Don Moi, as he is the one who set it all up. He did not provide the walkers with the supplies and the trustworthy guides that they needed. I don’t think Mendez should be defended for his actions, though, because he still chose to abandon innocent men and leave them to die. Border Patrol doesn’t want to get too sucked up in it or go too far in the desert because they too have families. The smugglers have the same strugglers that the walkers do, besides the fact that they actually know where they’re going. I don’t think I would illegally cross into America for food, I would probably just steal in Mexico, but then again, I don’t quite know what it is like to be starving in your own country. I feel that as a reader, the spirits are nothing but symbolical references, but to the men, they may actually see these spirits. The heat probably does something to their heads, or maybe they are so lost up in their prayers that they begin to see these figures. Maybe, as a walker, you can’t actually see the spirits, but you can feel them. â€Å"Aliens before they ever crossed the line† probably refers to the fact that most Mexicans are judged by Americans and thought to be insects or parasites that steal American jobs. They are unwelcome and badly thought of before they even cross the physical border. It’s the same situation, but in reverse. In the 1700 and 1800’s, Irish people were very unwelcome in the United States, as they were thought to steal jobs. However, once the Civil War rolled around, the United States wanted multitudes of Irish people to come over so they could fight in the war for the Americans who didn’t want to and could pay to get out of it. I think the author approached the issuefavoring the immigrants. He doesn’t examine how to undocumented entrants affect Border Patrol, the economy, or American families. I would make it easier to gain entry, but I would want everyone to go through little booths so the entrants could at least be documented. I think the solution would work because the immigrants would not be quite as scared to deal with the government because no one could be denied entry (unless they were a criminal). This may not work because criminals could sneak past the booths. The main problem that is explored in this book is the morality of Mexican people sneaking illegally into America to feed their starving families. This is also the main principle. Is it okay for Mexicans to sneak into America if they are just earning money to feed their families? I think illegal immigration is not necessarily â€Å"bad†, but it is still illegal. The evidence provided from the book says that these men are just immigrating to feed their families and try to get a better life. I agree with the evidence, but there is also the fact that this is not the reason that everyone comes to America. There is a reason it is illegal. I don’t think that Urrea specifically points to a bad guy, but it is somewhat implied that the bad guy is Don Moi for setting the men up for this. Another bad guy could also be Mendez because abandons the men in the desert. I think that if they guides had not left the men, perhaps more of them would have survived. It would also help to have more patrol men patrolling and searching for entrants. If the Mexican government was not such a wreck I doubt there would be so many immigrants. There is not enough food or well paying jobs in Mexico for everyone there, especially the poor people. The role of unemployment, underemployment, low working wages are the true forces driving the conflict. Too many are not educated because they don’t have enough money for education, which then means they can’t get a good job to support their family. If a job is attained, it is usually for a very small wage. It is a big circle of poverty. Urrea goes into great detail to describe each member so you feel closer to them and you are able to better understand their decisions. All of the men that chose to go wanted a better life, whether it is for themselves or for a loved one. These men all acted selflessly. If I were in their situation I would try harder to look for a job in Mexico, but if I could not find one, I suppose that I would do what they did. It costs the United States and Mexican government a lot of money to deal with these illegal entrants. However, neither one of them really do anything to try to stop it. I think that this was an isolated incident, but there could be more to come in the future. If I were the leader of Mexico, I would vow to fix the state of the country and make it so that people don’t have to immigrate to other countries to find work. If I were the president, I would want to tighten down on Border Patrol so this doesn’t happen again. I like the tone the author uses. I think it fits the message that the author is trying to relay to the audience about the story. The style was alright, it was a little hard to read. There were too many details packed into single sentences. The style made the book hard to read. In my personal opinion, there were too many facts, but I can see why they were necessary. I think the simple fact that these men migrated to make theirs and their family’s lives better is what impacted me the most. It really changed my view on illegal immigration. I now don’t feel quite as harshly about it; I think the immigration laws should be revised.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

hurricanes :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hurricanes are one of the deadliest and most expensive natural disasters around. They are more common in areas of humid yet moist weather so they are very foreign to certain places. But to the places were hurricanes are the norm, the people take them extremely seriously because they kill people and ruin countless amounts of property. Hurricanes can attack and harm people in so many ways they can kill people, leave them homeless, it leaves children orphaned and disable them. On the west coast of the United States and other places hurricanes aren’t taken as seriously as other more common disasters, such as, earthquakes and volcanoes yet the hurricane can be a lot more damaging that both of those. Hurricanes are cyclones that develop over warm oceans and breed winds that blow yup to 74 miles per hour.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the hurricane the mixture of the water and winds can be extremely damaging. The winds are extremely dangerous and usually don’t go faster than about 75 miles per hour but have been documented to go as fast as 85 miles per hour. Due to the fact that hurricanes need water to survive they cannot go too far on land, but that does not stop them from causing billions of dollars in damages. Hurricanes are so dangerous that they were listed number 1 on the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Hazard and Disasters list. Picture this, you laying on top of you car as you are being violently slung down your street, which was once dry and calm and is now wet and foreign, at an extremely rapid pace. You can’t find your family and all you can do is hope that they haven’t drowned and are able to stay afloat against the violent waters that are angrily attempting to destroy everything in its path. You look around the weather is gray and it’s raining heavily. It is a struggle to breathe between the rapid rain and the violent waters which are attempting to pull you under, forever. Your house no longer exists it is broken down from the pounding waters and fast winds. That is exactly what it would be like if you were in the midst of a hurricane. After hurricanes are over the confusion is crazy, children who had loving families are now orphaned, people become homeless, and people miss certain joys such as walking due to becoming paralyzed.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Family and Delinquency Essay

How is it developed and how is it Solved? Introduction â€Å"Abuse† and â€Å"violence† are considered to be terms that are believed to be the understatement of the actual situation that is happening in the society right now. It could be observed that through the years, the number of individuals being victimized by the said dilemma are undeniably increasing making the word â€Å"abuse† not just a word but one among the many things that people within the human society fear most. Abuse is the way by which people try to maltreat their fellowmen. This is regardless of the fact that the people being maltreated are either their friends or their family members as well. It could not be denied that this dreadful situation have affected the sections of human socialization already. The school institutions, the workplace, the churches and now even within homes, the existence of abuse cannot be much controlled anymore. This is primarily the reason why it is very important to take several things regarding this particular issue into consideration for studying. This would naturally allow a more focused procedure that shall be developed to assist abused victims both young and old, men and women to recover from the situation that they have been involved with when they were abused in the past. It is pretty much appalling to know how a highly established society could be afflicted by the different effects of the abusive acts that are brought about as one of the major disadvantages of the advancements of the society. What are the sources of these major abuses? Most likely, as psychologists and sociologists point out, people are moved to create possible ways of releasing their tension regarding several experiences through afflicting the security of others. Most of those who are noted as the ones victimizing others have been once victims themselves. On their own way then, they are trying to release the depression and the pain that they are afflicted with through passing on the dreadful situation to others as revenge to those who have once victimized them. The abusive acts and their effects on the victim do not end on the actual act of abusing alone. The results of the said incidents account for further impact on the personality of the victim primarily pertaining on his or her social interaction with the community that he lives with. Most likely, isolation and the feeling of lesser self-worth eventually develop. It could not be denied that these results are hardly expected by the victims before they were involved with the abuse that they were faced with. Certainly, it is through the memories of the abuse that the pain tends to remain in complete control of the victim’s major dealings with the society. At some point, the said victims tend to become socially avoiding as they actually fear that the same thing might happen to them again in the hands of other people that they may or may not know. The trust that they used to have on other people before they were victimized eventually fades making it harder for them to recover on the past that they have experienced. The World Reports and What They Pertain to According to worldwide reports, there are several abusive acts that are taken against the â€Å"weak ones† in a daily basis. Depressingly, the numbers of the victims never cease to stop. Even though there is a strong push on the making of the different laws and ordinances that are designed to protect people from being abused on the places that they are living or working in, it is undeniable that there is still a considerable annual rise to the rate of the population becoming victims of the said dreadful situation. As mentioned above, there are numerous types of abuses that plagues the society today. With the influences of media and other publications that provoke both sexual desires and violence, the desires of people to do something awful to others to simply comply to the thirst that they feel for themselves and the satisfaction that they ought to reach become much vivid and harder to avoid. Hence, pushing the abusers to come up with destructive acts that bring others into a devastating situation. It could be noted too through psychological studies that one cause of the ways by which people are moved to follow a certain path that leads them to abusing others actually involve depression and in depth disregard of one’s self. Most of the time, when depression and stress takes over the mental system of a particular person, the deciding power of the person begins to weaken hence making it possible for him to take massive steps of destructive acts that usually lead to them abusing other people. Yes, frustrations and unfulfilled missions or aims bring much depression on human individuals. When this depression is treated in the wrong manner, the situation becomes harder to control. Psychologists particularly note this as one of the failures of the nervous system to assist one in righteously deciding for what is supposed to be acceptably right to do when hard-to-deal with circumstances arise. The said failure gradually affects to one loosing his control over his actions. Add to the fact that there are those who take addictive substances that are directly affecting their decision-making capabilities thus making it harder for them to judge of whether what they are doing are right or not. The Personal Effects of Abuse and Violence As mentioned earlier, violence and abuse are two related terms that describe the destructive situation that most people who are less able to protect themselves experience on the hands of the oppressive sector of the human population. Hence, through the study that has been presented above, it could be noted that the results of the said incidents may either be positive or negative on the part of the individual that has been victimized by the said situation. The result becomes positive when the victims primarily learns how to defend himself the next time that the same situation occurs or in some way he or she has already learned to protect themselves from actually being involved in destructive situations based on the experience that they once had. On the contrary, the results may become negative if the victim begins to view the situation as an incident that could bring her or him to a fearful state against the systems of the human society. The state of isolation becomes and self-rejection is then added to the negative results of the said incidents. Involving the Family Amidst all the successes that the society achieves through the existence of technology and communication, it is quite disturbing how the situation of the most important sector of the society suffers so much. Family, as the basic unit of the social relationships, is the one receiving the most negative effects of technological and industrial advancements. Intimacy and attachment has been much a hard case to deal with when dealing especially with the modern married couples. The thoughts of long ago regarding the long-run relationship that marriage is supposed to be had been gradually changed by the fact that system of the society today have already changed as well. The priorities and the goals of individuals have already been exchanged with the need of being economically successful in the field of their own chosen careers. Sadly, although both men and women are aware that they were meant to share a special relationship based on love, only few are able to realize to understand the reality of the vows that they give at the brink of their wedding ceremonies. Marriage, as a â€Å"human contract† is a special bond that should be considered as a serious link between two people who are bounded by love. However, at some point, the view of marriage has been changed during the present era. Because of the social changes, marriage has been subjected to different challenges. Today, conflicts are directly bombarded towards the relationship of married couples that in turn makes the situation much harder to deal with. As a result, many among those couples simply end up in divorce. For many years, it has been a standard definition of a family to be referred to as a group of people who are related to each other and are thus bonded together by blood. The attachment within the said group goes beyond just the existence of a common blood, but it is further linked stronger through the existence of love. With the said advancements though of the society, the family is further subjected to facing several issues that concerns the strength of its ties. . Since time is lacking, the members of the family are having a hard time creating time for themselves to at least deal with each other through communication, in turn, intimacy is lost. This is specifically true with parents, or married couples. Because of the time that they devote to their jobs, they usually find it hard to balance their time to give each other attention for the sake of the development of their relationship. As a result, the love that they once have lost the love that they once had for each other because of lack of time, communication and intimacy, their relationship’s solidity begins to drift away. On the contrary though, Donna and Roger are among the couples who are able to meet the challenges of marriage amidst all the challenges both personal and familial that are presented to the society nowadays. Although there had been some rough portions of their marriage, it could be noted through the interview that they have managed to set through their differences and were able to make adjustments so as to give themselves some room to improve as individuals and as couples. It is undeniable that being married at a young age is something that is much harder to deal with that dealing with simply the challenges of marriage itself. Aside from all the financial problems, personal adjustments certainly needed to be given attention especially on the part of the interviewees. The highlights of their relationship could be noted to have nothing to do with gaining surmountable amounts of wealth but with that of being together with their family. Seeing things in a simpler manner makes it easier for young couples to see life in a much less-complicated matter of life. It is through this that they are able to give importance to the more caring to better things that wealth itself. True, they recognize that material gains add up to the happiness of the family since it gives the members a chance to enjoy the things they want without limits at least. However, this does not mean that the happiness of family members does not only rely on the influence of money at all. Instead, real family happiness relies on the fact that family members are still able to connect with each other through communication and simply by just being together amidst the busy schedules that each member of the family deals with regarding their work or school activities as well as house chores. Making sure that each member is given the attention that they need from the family is an important key to family success. A Therapeutic Approach The Family Assessment Device has been designed to measure improvements concerning the Family Therapy. In a busy and complicated world that families have to deal with these days, it is very vital every family be able to face the challenges of today’s world. Although at times, the hardships that families has to face makes it difficult for its members to keep close and intact relationship with each other. Aside from this, the results of such a complicated life leads to different emotional and physical depressions which makes it harder for every family member to comprehend to each other’s needs and be able to cope with life’s changes at the same time. This is why many families chose to undergo several family therapies to be able to solve the growing gap between their members and thus lead a better family life. The Family Assessment Device includes six major dimensions that are connected to family functioning. The said six major scopes of the said assessment device are the problem solving, communication, roles, effective responsiveness, effective involvement and behavioral control. The dimension on Problem Solving intends to measure the capability of a family to be able to face and solve certain problems that arise within the family. With the use of questionnaires having four possible responses on agreeing to the solutions suggested and disagreeing, each family is scaled depending on their answers. The other dimensions as well follow the same pattern of questionnaires. After answering the questions, each result shall be averaged, evaluated and concluded regarding the improvements of the family in the therapies they undergo. The standard results for the Family Assessment Device which concludes that the family has already improved through the family therapy is based on how well they have comprehended with the activities they undergo during the therapy. There are major ways on how to evaluate the changes in a family. One is through the statistical significance of changes observed, another is through the percentage of dropping below clinical cut-offs and finally through the magnitude of change between intake and termination. These three major evaluation processes helps the psychologists to scale the improvements that the family being observed has already incurred. Many experts have proved the reliability of tests and family assessments such as the Family Assessment Device effective. True, at times, the application of this assessment may not be that easy but the cooperation of the family under therapy programs would really help in making assessments such as this a successful program. At times, there might be some family members who would rather depend on their own understanding of the problems they are facing than referring their problems to experts. Usually, this makes the FAD application harder to apply, but as said earlier, constant assistance and assurance to the families that they are being helped and not exploited or whatsoever, the Family Assessment could be concluded to be successful. Conclusion As it could be noted through the studies and discussion presented above, the result of violence and abuse upon the victim simply depends on his or her perception of the situation that occurred. Someone who is strong and wise enough in facing life’s challenges may look at this particular experience as a lesson that would teach him to take full responsibility of the situation the next time that the same thing happens. However, a person who is actually frail in facing the surprises that life has to offer would break down upon experiencing certain devastating incidents. Yes, it is one’s development as a person and perception towards life and the challenges that it brings that would actually determine the ways by which an individual would be affected by violence or abuse. It is only through a person’s discretion that the effects of the said situations could be identified within the growth progress that that particular person would undergo. It is also upon the person’s discretion as to how he or she would actually allow the said incident to impact her personality as well as her social dealings. In the end, yes, it will all depend on the person afflicted by the situation. References: Sexual Victimization,† Child Abuse and Neglect, 18 (1994):303–318. Browne, A. , and Finkelhor, D. , â€Å"Impact of Sexual Abuse: A Review of the Research,† Psychological Bulletin, 99 (1986):66–77. Beitchman, J. H. , et al. , â€Å"A Review of the Long- Term Effects of Child Sexual Abuse,† Child Abuse and Neglect, 16 (1992):101–118. Cathy Spatz, â€Å"Child Abuse, Neglect, and Adult Behavior: Research Design and Findings on Criminality, Violence, and Child Abuse,† American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 59 (1989):355–67. Pfendler, B. A. (1997, April). Validation of the McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD) in an intensive family therapy program. Psychological Association, Washington D. C. Ridenour, T. A. , Daley, J. G. , & Reich, W. (1999). Factor Analyses of the Family Assessment Device. Family Process, 37,38. Sluttery, J. M. (1997). Predictors of Family Therapy Outcome. Unpublished data, Handout. Kabacoff, R. I. et al. (1990). A psychometric study of the McMaster Family Assessment Device in psychiatric, medical and nonclinical samples. Journal of Family Psychology.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Absence of Morals in Brave New World Essay - 1814 Words

Scientific advancement is generally used to lead humanity into a state of perfection. Humans are anything but perfect, but through science they can continue to enhance themselves and their surroundings in order to reach this state. Huxley, in his novel Brave New World, argues that this is not the case. Through the creation of a type of scientifically led world order, the society has destroyed the one thing that people cherish most, their individualism (Brander 71). They are no longer individuals; they are consumers assimilated into an overall society by the power of genetics. However, that is not all. Baker contends that â€Å"Huxley’s greatest fear was the potential misuse of genetic engineering, but Brave New World also reflects his warnings†¦show more content†¦The people are nothing more than consumers. They believe everything the government tells them, and they have no right to disagree because they do not have the ability to make value judgments. Emotions are a rtificial, created by the government for the people. Brander claims that in Brave New World â€Å"Affection and loyalty are unnecessary†¦ truth is arranged in a test tube †¦ which by its action annihilates identity† (61). Freedom of expression is nonexistent because the people are conditioned to believe they are in a state of pure happiness all the time (Watts 77). Discontent with the society is nonexistent also. If someone is ever unhappy, they are given soma. This drug wafts the people â€Å"into the heavens of a restorative illusion† (Woodcock 99). The irony is in the fact that the government uses a drug that distorts people’s realities in order to control them. While the people may be content, the society is still dystopian. This is evidenced in the fact that Henry Ford has become their deity. The people worship someone who has made it possible for the government to impose absolute control (Calder 74). 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